Tommy Gold is in the middle of doing pushups when his bratty stepsister Nata Ocean steps on his back. She’s on the phone, so she freaks out when Tommy tries to call her on it. When Nata hangs up the phone, she begins challenging Tommy. She tells him to try doing pushups while she sits on his back.
Nata tells Tommy she knows a better kind of workout. She leans forward to drop a kiss on his lips and then silences Tommy’s objections by rubbing his hardon. That’s all the encouragement Tommy needs, especially when Nata springs his stiffie free to suck him down. Tommy repays the favor with a pussy feast.
Since Nata is already on her back it’s easy for Tommy to lift her legs and shove his dick into her tight cooch. That landing strip pussy drips with delight as Tommy keeps their fuck going while he spoons Nata. Nata takes a stiffie ride in reverse cowgirl, then turns around to shove her tits in Tommy’s face as she keeps on rocking. Even as Tommy finishes Nata in doggy, Moments later, Tommy finishes his sexy workout with a big creampie.
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